Bioregulation Medicine

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What We Offer

The most important biological process is the defense system or immune system.  When stressed, injured or affected by toxins, the healthy body responds with a toxin dumping type of acute response:

  1. Excretion phase – elimination of toxins: vomiting, diarrhea, sneezing, etc.
  2. Inflammation phase – if the excretion phase is circumvented via suppressor drugs, all the “-itis” illnesses: arthritis, pleuritis, pancreatitis etc. may occur as the disease toxin has not been eliminated, triggering an inflammatory response.
  3. Deposition phase – defines the early matrix of diseases. The “gel between the cells” starts being affected by toxins. In this largely “silent phase”, the body attempts to detoxify by storing metabolic “junk”. Once the disease progresses beyond what’s known as the biological divide, true chronic disease becomes present, with damage to tissues, cells and organs.
  4. Impregnation phase – The toxins build up causing structural changes in tissues, cells and organs. This phase is associated with early chronic disease.
  5. Degeneration phase – Here damage to cellular defense, enzymatic functions, and energy production occurs. This is a severe state of advanced degenerative chronic disease, with destruction of tissues, large groups of cells and organs.
  6. Dedifferentiation Phase – the neoplastic/cancerous state, in which biological genetic control mechanisms have been damaged and continue unchecked, until death.

From the above it is clear that symptomatic treatment can never be the answer! When treating the person holistically, by addressing all the symptoms simultaneously first, and then initiating treatment, we bring about a cure. Bioregulation is an intervention that uses complementary medicines to either drain toxins from multiple organs or body systems or support and strengthen an individual organ, body system or biological or physiological process. Here, the normal excretory system such as the kidneys, liver, lymph, lungs or bowels are stimulated to clear the way for drainage and detoxification.

How does it work?

  • Bioregulation therapy is usually prescribed in conjunction with other therapies but may also be used as a singular therapy where applicable.
  • A detailed medical history is taken where, through clinical judgment, the organ or organ system requiring drainage is identified.
  • Medication is prescribed.


  • In consultation and/or as an adjunct treatment modality